Bowhead whaling hunting season has started for the Inupiat people of Barrow. Gavin had the opportunity of standing on top of a 32 foot long whale. Connor got to get into the whales mouth. The third picture is of the third whale getting pulled up onto shore from a large Cat... Mom, you would have loved the big machinery pulling the whales up on shore.
Connor, Gavin, Ron, and I all went driving around the town and went out to the end of the gravel road. We didn't dare drive the beach to go to the point but would have loved to! Whaling is starting around the 26th and can't wait for some pics!
If you have ever looked up Barrow on the map, you know that it is pretty much on top of the world, or at least North America. These whale bones are a huge tourist attraction where you will see hundreds of people stand below the whale jaw bones and get their photos taken.